A 1m 30s video about the importance of stats recording and an easy way to remember what to do and why.

Recruiter attacker and defender

A 1m 33s video of me talking to me about how recruiters are misrepresented and how to defend them.


A 49s video reel of what Fear is and what you can do about it.

Perceptual positioning

A 6m 53s video explaining how we should put ourselves in the other persons shoes to help us deal with problems.

Stop Look Listen

A 2m 17s video of me explaining why it’s good to sometimes just STOP, LOOK and LISTEN before acting.

Jargon and Cliché rhyme

A 2m 17s video of me doing a rhyme all about recruitment jargon and cliches – enjoy!

This wouldn’t happen in a classroom

A 1.5 minute video about the importance of stats recording and an easy way to remember what to do and why.

Confused completely

A 4m 5s video of me ranting about LinkedIn but in rhyme format – purely for your entertainment, that’s why it’s free!

Don’t be restricted

A 1m video reel reminding us to not be restricted by certain things and to open our minds up to opportunities.

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A 2m 8s video explaining why you should set goals in the shape of me putting my money where my mouth is. Intrigued? Click away.